50 Years of Bangladesh Advances in Health (হার্ডকভার)
50 Years of Bangladesh Advances in Health (হার্ডকভার)
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Positive and measurable progress in the health sector is one of the notable achievements of post-independence Bangladesh. This book has documented this fascinating story. Contributed by 103 renowned and reputed health experts, researchers, academics, and journalists, it comprises of 20 Chapters. By reading this, readers will get a good idea of what changes have happened in Bangladesh's health sector since independence, how much progress has been made and how unique are these in comparison to selected neighboring countries. The book is also forward-looking as it discusses the current and future challenges. The Book, "50 Years of Independence: Advances in Health" is a must- read for all interested in human development, particularly in the health sector.

Title : 50 Years of Bangladesh Advances in Health
Author : আহমদ মোশতাক রাজা চৌধুরী
Publisher : দি ইউনিভার্সিটি প্রেস লিমিটেড
ISBN : 9789845064200
Edition : 2nd edition, 2024
Number of Pages : 462
Country : Bangladesh
Language : Bengali

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